OpenM++ runtime library (libopenm)
Go to the documentation of this file.
5// Copyright (c) 2013-2015 OpenM++
6// This code is licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt for details)
8#ifndef DB_META_TABLE_H
9#define DB_META_TABLE_H
11#include <algorithm>
12#include <functional>
13#include <mutex>
14using namespace std;
16#include "dbExec.h"
19namespace openm
22 template<class TRow> struct IMetaTable
23 {
24 public:
25 virtual ~IMetaTable(void) noexcept { }
27 protected:
29 static vector<TRow> rows(const IRowBaseVec & i_rowVec)
30 {
31 vector<TRow> vec;
32 for (IRowBaseVec::const_iterator rowIt = i_rowVec.begin(); rowIt != i_rowVec.end(); ++rowIt) {
33 vec.push_back( *dynamic_cast<TRow *>(rowIt->get()) );
34 }
35 return vec;
36 }
37 };
40 template<class TRow> struct IMetaLoadedTable : public IMetaTable<TRow>
41 {
43 typedef function<bool(const TRow & i_dbRow)> RowEqual;
45 virtual ~IMetaLoadedTable(void) noexcept { }
48 virtual const IRowBaseVec & rowsCRef(void) const = 0;
51 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
54 IRowBaseVec::difference_type rowCount(void) const { return rowsCRef().size(); }
57 vector<TRow> rows(void) const
58 {
59 vector<TRow> vec;
60 for (IRowBaseVec::const_iterator rowIt = rowsCRef().cbegin(); rowIt != rowsCRef().cend(); ++rowIt) {
61 vec.push_back(*dynamic_cast<TRow *>(rowIt->get()));
62 }
63 return vec;
64 }
67 const TRow * firstRow(void) const
68 {
69 return dynamic_cast<TRow *>(!rowsCRef().empty() ? rowsCRef()[0].get() : nullptr);
70 }
73 vector<TRow> findAll(RowEqual i_cmp) const
74 {
75 vector<TRow> vec;
76 for (IRowBaseVec::const_iterator rowIt = rowsCRef().cbegin(); rowIt != rowsCRef().cend(); ++rowIt) {
77 if (i_cmp(*dynamic_cast<TRow *>(rowIt->get()))) vec.push_back(*dynamic_cast<TRow *>(rowIt->get()));
78 }
79 return vec;
80 }
83 const TRow * findFirst(RowEqual i_cmp) const { return byIndex(indexOf(i_cmp)); }
86 const TRow * byIndex(IRowBaseVec::difference_type i_index) const
87 {
88 return (0 <= i_index && i_index < rowCount()) ? dynamic_cast<TRow *>(rowsCRef()[i_index].get()) : nullptr;
89 }
92 IRowBaseVec::difference_type indexOf(RowEqual i_cmp, IRowBaseVec::difference_type i_startPos = 0) const
93 {
94 if (i_startPos >= 0) {
95 for (IRowBaseVec::size_type pos = i_startPos; pos < rowsCRef().size(); pos++) {
96 if (i_cmp(*dynamic_cast<TRow *>(rowsCRef()[pos].get()))) return pos;
97 }
98 }
99 return -1;
100 }
103 IRowBaseVec::size_type countOf(RowEqual i_cmp) const
104 {
105 IRowBaseVec::size_type nCount = 0;
106 for (IRowBaseVec::const_iterator rowIt = rowsCRef().cbegin(); rowIt != rowsCRef().cend(); ++rowIt) {
107 if (i_cmp(*dynamic_cast<TRow *>(rowIt->get()))) nCount++;
108 }
109 return nCount;
110 }
112 protected:
114 static IRowBaseVec load(const string & i_sqlSelect, IDbExec * i_dbExec, const IRowAdapter & i_adapter)
115 {
116 if (i_dbExec == nullptr) throw DbException("invalid (NULL) database connection");
118 IRowBaseVec vec = i_dbExec->selectRowVector(i_sqlSelect, i_adapter);
119 stable_sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), TRow::keyLess);
120 return vec;
121 }
124 const TRow * findKey(const IRowBaseUptr & i_row) const
125 {
126 IRowBaseVec::const_iterator rowIt = lower_bound(rowsCRef().cbegin(), rowsCRef().cend(), i_row, TRow::keyLess);
127 return dynamic_cast<TRow *>((rowIt != rowsCRef().cend() && TRow::keyEqual(*rowIt, i_row)) ? rowIt->get() : nullptr);
128 }
129 };
132 struct ILangLstTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<LangLstRow>
133 {
134 virtual ~ILangLstTable() noexcept = 0;
137 static ILangLstTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec);
140 virtual const LangLstRow * byKey(int i_langId) const = 0;
143 virtual const LangLstRow * byCode(const string & i_code) const = 0;
146 static ILangLstTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
149 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
150 };
153 struct ILangWordTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<LangWordRow>
154 {
155 virtual ~ILangWordTable() noexcept = 0;
161 static ILangWordTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_langId = -1);
164 virtual const LangWordRow * byKey(int i_langId, const string & i_code) const = 0;
167 static ILangWordTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
170 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
171 };
174 struct IModelDicTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ModelDicRow>
175 {
176 virtual ~IModelDicTable() noexcept = 0;
183 static IModelDicTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, const char * i_name = nullptr, const char * i_digest = nullptr);
186 static IModelDicTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId);
189 virtual const ModelDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId) const = 0;
192 virtual const ModelDicRow * byNameDigest(const string & i_name, const string & i_digest) const = 0;
195 static IModelDicTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
198 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
199 };
202 struct IModelDicTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ModelDicTxtRow>
203 {
204 virtual ~IModelDicTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
212 static IModelDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
215 virtual const ModelDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_langId) const = 0;
218 static IModelDicTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
221 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
222 };
225 struct IModelWordTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ModelWordRow>
226 {
227 virtual ~IModelWordTable() noexcept = 0;
235 static IModelWordTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
238 virtual const ModelWordRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_langId, const string & i_code) const = 0;
241 static IModelWordTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
244 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
245 };
248 struct ITypeDicTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TypeDicRow>
249 {
250 virtual ~ITypeDicTable() noexcept = 0;
257 static ITypeDicTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
260 virtual const TypeDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_typeId) const = 0;
263 static ITypeDicTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
266 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
267 };
270 struct ITypeDicTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TypeDicTxtRow>
271 {
272 virtual ~ITypeDicTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
280 static ITypeDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
283 virtual const TypeDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_typeId, int i_langId) const = 0;
286 static ITypeDicTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
289 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
290 };
293 struct ITypeEnumLstTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TypeEnumLstRow>
294 {
295 virtual ~ITypeEnumLstTable() noexcept = 0;
302 static ITypeEnumLstTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
305 virtual const TypeEnumLstRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_typeId, int i_enumId) const = 0;
308 virtual vector<TypeEnumLstRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
311 virtual vector<TypeEnumLstRow> byModelIdTypeId(int i_modelId, int i_typeId) const = 0;
314 virtual const TypeEnumLstRow * byName(int i_modelId, int i_typeId, const char * i_name) const = 0;
317 static ITypeEnumLstTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
320 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
321 };
324 struct ITypeEnumTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TypeEnumTxtRow>
325 {
326 virtual ~ITypeEnumTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
334 static ITypeEnumTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
337 virtual const TypeEnumTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_typeId, int i_enumId, int i_langId) const = 0;
340 static ITypeEnumTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
343 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
344 };
347 struct IParamDicTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ParamDicRow>
348 {
349 virtual ~IParamDicTable() noexcept = 0;
356 static IParamDicTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
359 virtual const ParamDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId) const = 0;
362 virtual vector<ParamDicRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
365 virtual const ParamDicRow * byModelIdName(int i_modelId, const string & i_name) const = 0;
368 static IParamDicTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
371 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
372 };
375 struct IParamImportTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ParamImportRow>
376 {
377 virtual ~IParamImportTable() noexcept = 0;
384 static IParamImportTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
387 virtual const ParamImportRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId) const = 0;
390 virtual vector<ParamImportRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
393 static IParamImportTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
396 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
397 };
400 struct IParamDicTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ParamDicTxtRow>
401 {
402 virtual ~IParamDicTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
410 static IParamDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
413 virtual const ParamDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId, int i_langId) const = 0;
416 static IParamDicTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
419 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
420 };
423 struct IParamDimsTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ParamDimsRow>
424 {
425 virtual ~IParamDimsTable() noexcept = 0;
432 static IParamDimsTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
435 virtual const ParamDimsRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId, int i_dimId) const = 0;
438 virtual vector<ParamDimsRow> byModelIdParamId(int i_modelId, int i_paramId) const = 0;
441 static IParamDimsTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
444 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
445 };
448 struct IParamDimsTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ParamDimsTxtRow>
449 {
450 virtual ~IParamDimsTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
458 static IParamDimsTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
461 virtual const ParamDimsTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId, int i_dimId, int i_langId) const = 0;
464 static IParamDimsTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
467 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
468 };
471 struct ITableDicTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TableDicRow>
472 {
473 virtual ~ITableDicTable() noexcept = 0;
480 static ITableDicTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
483 virtual const TableDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId) const = 0;
486 virtual vector<TableDicRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
489 virtual const TableDicRow * byModelIdName(int i_modelId, const string & i_name) const = 0;
492 static ITableDicTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
495 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
496 };
499 struct ITableDicTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TableDicTxtRow>
500 {
501 virtual ~ITableDicTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
509 static ITableDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
512 virtual const TableDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_langId) const = 0;
515 static ITableDicTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
518 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
519 };
522 struct ITableDimsTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TableDimsRow>
523 {
524 virtual ~ITableDimsTable() noexcept = 0;
531 static ITableDimsTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
534 virtual const TableDimsRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_dimId) const = 0;
537 virtual vector<TableDimsRow> byModelIdTableId(int i_modelId, int i_tableId) const = 0;
540 static ITableDimsTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
543 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
544 };
547 struct ITableDimsTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TableDimsTxtRow>
548 {
549 virtual ~ITableDimsTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
557 static ITableDimsTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
560 virtual const TableDimsTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_dimId, int i_langId) const = 0;
563 static ITableDimsTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
566 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
567 };
570 struct ITableAccTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TableAccRow>
571 {
572 virtual ~ITableAccTable() noexcept = 0;
580 static ITableAccTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, bool i_isIncludeDerived = false);
583 virtual const TableAccRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_accId) const = 0;
586 virtual vector<TableAccRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
589 virtual vector<TableAccRow> byModelIdTableId(int i_modelId, int i_tableId) const = 0;
592 static ITableAccTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
595 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
596 };
599 struct ITableAccTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TableAccTxtRow>
600 {
601 virtual ~ITableAccTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
609 static ITableAccTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
612 virtual const TableAccTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_accId, int i_langId) const = 0;
615 static ITableAccTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
618 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
619 };
622 struct ITableExprTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TableExprRow>
623 {
624 virtual ~ITableExprTable() noexcept = 0;
631 static ITableExprTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
634 virtual const TableExprRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_exprId) const = 0;
637 virtual vector<TableExprRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
640 virtual vector<TableExprRow> byModelIdTableId(int i_modelId, int i_tableId) const = 0;
643 static ITableExprTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
646 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
647 };
650 struct ITableExprTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<TableExprTxtRow>
651 {
652 virtual ~ITableExprTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
660 static ITableExprTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
663 virtual const TableExprTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_exprId, int i_langId) const = 0;
666 static ITableExprTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
669 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
670 };
673 struct IEntityDicTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<EntityDicRow>
674 {
675 virtual ~IEntityDicTable() noexcept = 0;
682 static IEntityDicTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
685 virtual const EntityDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId) const = 0;
688 virtual vector<EntityDicRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
691 virtual const EntityDicRow * byModelIdName(int i_modelId, const string & i_name) const = 0;
694 static IEntityDicTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
697 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
698 };
701 struct IEntityDicTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<EntityDicTxtRow>
702 {
703 virtual ~IEntityDicTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
711 static IEntityDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
714 virtual const EntityDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_langId) const = 0;
717 static IEntityDicTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
720 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
721 };
724 struct IEntityAttrTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<EntityAttrRow>
725 {
726 virtual ~IEntityAttrTable() noexcept = 0;
733 static IEntityAttrTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
736 virtual const EntityAttrRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_attrId) const = 0;
739 virtual vector<EntityAttrRow> byModelIdEntityId(int i_modelId, int i_entityId) const = 0;
742 static IEntityAttrTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
745 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
746 };
749 struct IEntityAttrTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<EntityAttrTxtRow>
750 {
751 virtual ~IEntityAttrTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
759 static IEntityAttrTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
762 virtual const EntityAttrTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_attrId, int i_langId) const = 0;
765 static IEntityAttrTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
768 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
769 };
772 struct IGroupLstTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<GroupLstRow>
773 {
774 virtual ~IGroupLstTable() noexcept = 0;
781 static IGroupLstTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
784 virtual const GroupLstRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_groupId) const = 0;
787 virtual vector<GroupLstRow> byModelId(int i_modelId, bool i_isParam) const = 0;
790 static IGroupLstTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
793 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
794 };
797 struct IGroupTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<GroupTxtRow>
798 {
799 virtual ~IGroupTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
807 static IGroupTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
810 virtual const GroupTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_groupId, int i_langId) const = 0;
813 static IGroupTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
816 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
817 };
820 struct IGroupPcTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<GroupPcRow>
821 {
822 virtual ~IGroupPcTable() noexcept = 0;
829 static IGroupPcTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
832 virtual const GroupPcRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_groupId, int i_chidPos) const = 0;
835 virtual vector<GroupPcRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
838 virtual vector<int> groupLeafs(int i_modelId, int i_groupId) const = 0;
841 static IGroupPcTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
844 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
845 };
848 struct IEntityGroupLstTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<EntityGroupLstRow>
849 {
850 virtual ~IEntityGroupLstTable() noexcept = 0;
857 static IEntityGroupLstTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
860 virtual const EntityGroupLstRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entity, int i_groupId) const = 0;
863 virtual vector<EntityGroupLstRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
866 static IEntityGroupLstTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
869 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
870 };
873 struct IEntityGroupTxtTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<EntityGroupTxtRow>
874 {
875 virtual ~IEntityGroupTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
883 static IEntityGroupTxtTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
886 virtual const EntityGroupTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_groupId, int i_langId) const = 0;
889 static IEntityGroupTxtTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
892 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
893 };
896 struct IEntityGroupPcTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<EntityGroupPcRow>
897 {
898 virtual ~IEntityGroupPcTable() noexcept = 0;
905 static IEntityGroupPcTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
908 virtual const EntityGroupPcRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_groupId, int i_chidPos) const = 0;
911 virtual vector<EntityGroupPcRow> byModelId(int i_modelId) const = 0;
914 virtual vector<int> groupAttrs(int i_modelId, int i_groupId) const = 0;
917 static IEntityGroupPcTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
920 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
921 };
924 struct IProfileLstTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ProfileLstRow>
925 {
926 virtual ~IProfileLstTable() noexcept = 0;
929 static IProfileLstTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec);
932 virtual const ProfileLstRow * byKey(const string & i_name) const = 0;
935 static IProfileLstTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
938 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
939 };
942 struct IProfileOptionTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<ProfileOptionRow>
943 {
944 virtual ~IProfileOptionTable() noexcept = 0;
951 static IProfileOptionTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, const string & i_name = "");
954 virtual const ProfileOptionRow * byKey(const string & i_name, const string & i_key) const = 0;
957 virtual vector<ProfileOptionRow> byName(const string & i_name) const = 0;
960 static IProfileOptionTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
963 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
964 };
967 struct IRunLstTable : public IMetaTable<RunLstRow>
968 {
969 virtual ~IRunLstTable() noexcept = 0;
976 static vector<RunLstRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
979 static vector<RunLstRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_runId);
982 static string digestRunValue(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId, int i_runId);
985 static string digestRunMeta(const string & i_modelDigest, const RunLstRow & i_runRow);
986 };
989 struct IRunOptionTable : public IMetaLoadedTable<RunOptionRow>
990 {
991 virtual ~IRunOptionTable() noexcept = 0;
998 static IRunOptionTable * create(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_runId = 0);
1001 virtual const RunOptionRow * byKey(int i_runId, const string & i_key) const = 0;
1004 virtual bool isExist(int i_runId, const char * i_key) const noexcept = 0;
1007 virtual string strValue(int i_runId, const char * i_key, const string & i_default = "") const noexcept = 0;
1010 virtual bool boolValue(int i_runId, const char * i_key) const noexcept = 0;
1018 virtual int boolValueToInt(int i_runId, const char * i_key) const noexcept = 0;
1021 virtual int intValue(int i_runId, const char * i_key, int i_default) const noexcept = 0;
1024 virtual long long longValue(int i_runId, const char * i_key, long long i_default) const noexcept = 0;
1027 virtual double doubleValue(int i_runId, const char * i_key, double i_default) const noexcept = 0;
1030 static IRunOptionTable * create(IRowBaseVec & io_rowVec);
1033 virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void) = 0;
1034 };
1038 {
1039 virtual ~IWorksetLstTable() noexcept = 0;
1046 static vector<WorksetLstRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
1049 static vector<WorksetLstRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_setId);
1050 };
1053 struct IWorksetTxtTable : public IMetaTable<WorksetTxtRow>
1054 {
1055 virtual ~IWorksetTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
1062 static vector<WorksetTxtRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_setId, int i_langId = -1);
1065 static vector<WorksetTxtRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_setId, int i_langId);
1066 };
1069 struct IWorksetParamTable : public IMetaTable<WorksetParamRow>
1070 {
1071 virtual ~IWorksetParamTable() noexcept = 0;
1078 static vector<WorksetParamRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_setId = 0);
1081 static vector<WorksetParamRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_setId, int i_paramId);
1082 };
1085 struct IWorksetParamTxtTable : public IMetaTable<WorksetParamTxtRow>
1086 {
1087 virtual ~IWorksetParamTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
1095 static vector<WorksetParamTxtRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_setId = 0, int i_langId = -1);
1098 static vector<WorksetParamTxtRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_setId, int i_paramId, int i_langId);
1099 };
1103 struct ITaskLstTable : public IMetaTable<TaskLstRow>
1104 {
1105 virtual ~ITaskLstTable() noexcept = 0;
1112 static vector<TaskLstRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_modelId = 0);
1115 static vector<TaskLstRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_taskId);
1116 };
1119 struct ITaskTxtTable : public IMetaTable<TaskTxtRow>
1120 {
1121 virtual ~ITaskTxtTable() noexcept = 0;
1128 static vector<TaskTxtRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_langId = -1);
1131 static vector<TaskTxtRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_taskId, int i_langId);
1132 };
1135 struct ITaskSetTable : public IMetaTable<TaskSetRow>
1136 {
1137 virtual ~ITaskSetTable() noexcept = 0;
1144 static vector<TaskSetRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_taskId = 0);
1147 static vector<TaskSetRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_taskId, int i_setId);
1148 };
1151 struct ITaskRunLstTable : public IMetaTable<TaskRunLstRow>
1152 {
1153 virtual ~ITaskRunLstTable() noexcept = 0;
1160 static vector<TaskRunLstRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_taskId = 0);
1163 static vector<TaskRunLstRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_taskRunId);
1164 };
1167 struct ITaskRunSetTable : public IMetaTable<TaskRunSetRow>
1168 {
1169 virtual ~ITaskRunSetTable() noexcept = 0;
1176 static vector<TaskRunSetRow> select(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_taskRunId = 0);
1179 static vector<TaskRunSetRow> byKey(IDbExec * i_dbExec, int i_taskRunId, int i_runId);
1180 };
1183#endif // DB_META_TABLE_H
database connection wrapper to execute sql commands.
Definition: dbExec.h:21
virtual IRowBaseVec selectRowVector(const string &i_sql, const IRowAdapter &i_adapter)=0
select vector of rows, each row created and field values set by row adapter.
row factory and setter interface to select row from database
Definition: dbCommon.h:45
OpenM++ data library: public interface.
OpenM++ data library: db rows of model metadata tables.
openM++ namespace
Definition: log.h:32
OpenmException< 4000, dbUnknownErrorMessage > DbException
Definition: dbCommon.h:41
std::unique_ptr< IRowBase > IRowBaseUptr
unique pointer to db row
Definition: omHelper.h:236
std::vector< IRowBaseUptr > IRowBaseVec
db rows: vector of unique pointers to db row
Definition: omHelper.h:239
entity_attr table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1294
entity_attr_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1340
entity_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1200
entity_dic_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1242
entity_group_lst table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1526
entity_group_pc table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1623
entity_group_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1566
group_lst table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1396
group_pc table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1487
group_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1435
entity_attr table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:725
static IEntityAttrTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model entity id,...
Definition: entityAttrTable.cpp:92
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual vector< EntityAttrRow > byModelIdEntityId(int i_modelId, int i_entityId) const =0
get list of rows by model id and entity id.
virtual const EntityAttrRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_attrId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model entity id, attribute id; return NULL if not found.
entity_attr_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:750
virtual const EntityAttrTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_attrId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model entity id, attribute id, language id; return NULL if...
static IEntityAttrTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model entity id,...
Definition: entityAttrTxtTable.cpp:89
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
entity_dic table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:674
virtual const EntityDicRow * byModelIdName(int i_modelId, const string &i_name) const =0
get first row by model id and entity name or NULL if not found.
virtual const EntityDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model entity id, return NULL if not found.
static IEntityDicTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model entity id.
Definition: entityDicTable.cpp:91
virtual vector< EntityDicRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
entity_dic_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:702
virtual const EntityDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model entity id, language id; return NULL if not found.
static IEntityDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model entity id,...
Definition: entityDicTxtTable.cpp:85
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
entity_group_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:849
virtual const EntityGroupLstRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entity, int i_groupId) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id, entity id, group id, return NULL if not found.
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual vector< EntityGroupLstRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
static IEntityGroupLstTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id, entity id,...
Definition: entityGroupLstTable.cpp:88
entity_group_pc table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:897
virtual const EntityGroupPcRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_groupId, int i_chidPos) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id, entity id, group id, child position; return NULL if not f...
virtual vector< int > groupAttrs(int i_modelId, int i_groupId) const =0
get list of attribute id's for the group: list of bottom level group members.
static IEntityGroupPcTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id, entity id,...
Definition: entityGroupPcTable.cpp:95
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual vector< EntityGroupPcRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
entity_group_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:874
virtual const EntityGroupTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_entityId, int i_groupId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id, entity id, group id, language id; return NULL if not foun...
static IEntityGroupTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id, entity id,...
Definition: entityGroupTxtTable.cpp:89
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
group_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:773
static IGroupLstTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id and group id.
Definition: groupLstTable.cpp:88
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual vector< GroupLstRow > byModelId(int i_modelId, bool i_isParam) const =0
get list of rows by model id and is parameter group flag.
virtual const GroupLstRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_groupId) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id and group id, return NULL if not found.
group_pc table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:821
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual vector< GroupPcRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
static IGroupPcTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id, group id,...
Definition: groupPcTable.cpp:91
virtual vector< int > groupLeafs(int i_modelId, int i_groupId) const =0
get list of parameter or table id's or table id's for the group: list of bottom level group members.
virtual const GroupPcRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_groupId, int i_chidPos) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id, group id, child position; return NULL if not found.
group_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:798
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual const GroupTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_groupId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id, group id, language id; return NULL if not found.
static IGroupTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id, group id,...
Definition: groupTxtTable.cpp:85
lang_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:133
virtual const LangLstRow * byKey(int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by primary key: language id, return NULL if not found.
static ILangLstTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: language id.
Definition: langLstTable.cpp:82
virtual const LangLstRow * byCode(const string &i_code) const =0
get first row by language code or NULL if not found.
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
lang_word table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:154
static ILangWordTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: language id and word code.
Definition: langWordTable.cpp:79
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual const LangWordRow * byKey(int i_langId, const string &i_code) const =0
binary search row by primary key: language id and word code, return NULL if not found.
base class for preloaded metadata db-tables
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:41
IRowBaseVec::size_type countOf(RowEqual i_cmp) const
count rows by predicate: where comparator to i_row return true.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:103
IRowBaseVec::difference_type indexOf(RowEqual i_cmp, IRowBaseVec::difference_type i_startPos=0) const
get first row by predicate or -1 if not found: first row where comparator to i_row return true.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:92
const TRow * findKey(const IRowBaseUptr &i_row) const
binary search row by primary key, return NULL if not found.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:124
virtual const IRowBaseVec & rowsCRef(void) const =0
get const reference to list of all table rows.
const TRow * byIndex(IRowBaseVec::difference_type i_index) const
return row value by index or NULL if out of range.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:86
const TRow * firstRow(void) const
return first table row or NULL if table is empty.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:67
function< bool(const TRow &i_dbRow)> RowEqual
db table row comparator.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:43
vector< TRow > findAll(RowEqual i_cmp) const
get list of rows by predicate: all rows where comparator to i_row return true.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:73
const TRow * findFirst(RowEqual i_cmp) const
get first row by predicate or NULL if not found: first row where comparator to i_row return true.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:83
IRowBaseVec::difference_type rowCount(void) const
return number of rows.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:54
static IRowBaseVec load(const string &i_sqlSelect, IDbExec *i_dbExec, const IRowAdapter &i_adapter)
load table: return vector of selected rows sorted by primary key.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:114
vector< TRow > rows(void) const
get list of loaded table rows.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:57
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
base class for metadata db-tables
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:23
static vector< TRow > rows(const IRowBaseVec &i_rowVec)
get list of table rows.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:29
model_dic table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:175
virtual const ModelDicRow * byNameDigest(const string &i_name, const string &i_digest) const =0
get find first row by model name and digest or NULL if not found.
static IModelDicTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, const char *i_name=nullptr, const char *i_digest=nullptr)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id.
Definition: modelDicTable.cpp:102
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual const ModelDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id, return NULL if not found.
model_dic_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:203
virtual const ModelDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id and language, return NULL if not found.
static IModelDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id and language id.
Definition: modelDicTxtTable.cpp:81
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
model_word table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:226
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual const ModelWordRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_langId, const string &i_code) const =0
binary search row by primary key: model id, language and code, return NULL if not found.
static IModelWordTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: model id, language id,...
Definition: modelWordTable.cpp:81
parameter_dic table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:348
static IParamDicTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id and model parameter id.
Definition: paramDicTable.cpp:123
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual const ParamDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id and model parameter id, return NULL if not found.
virtual vector< ParamDicRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
virtual const ParamDicRow * byModelIdName(int i_modelId, const string &i_name) const =0
get first row by model id and parameter name or NULL if not found.
parameter_dic_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:401
virtual const ParamDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model parameter id, language id; return NULL if not found.
static IParamDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model parameter id,...
Definition: paramDicTxtTable.cpp:85
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
parameter_dims table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:424
virtual const ParamDimsRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId, int i_dimId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model parameter id, dimension id; return NULL if not found...
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual vector< ParamDimsRow > byModelIdParamId(int i_modelId, int i_paramId) const =0
get list of rows by model id and parameter id.
static IParamDimsTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model parameter id,...
Definition: paramDimsTable.cpp:88
parameter_dims_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:449
static IParamDimsTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model parameter id,...
Definition: paramDimsTxtTable.cpp:89
virtual const ParamDimsTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId, int i_dimId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model parameter id, dimension id, language id; return NULL...
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
model_parameter_import table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:376
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual vector< ParamImportRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
static IParamImportTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model parameter id.
Definition: paramImportTable.cpp:91
virtual const ParamImportRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_paramId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model parameter id, return NULL if not found.
profile_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:925
virtual const ProfileLstRow * byKey(const string &i_name) const =0
binary search row by primary key: profile name, return NULL if not found.
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
static IProfileLstTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: profile name.
Definition: profileLstTable.cpp:71
profile_option table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:943
virtual vector< ProfileOptionRow > byName(const string &i_name) const =0
get list of rows by profile name.
static IProfileOptionTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, const string &i_name="")
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: profile name and option key.
Definition: profileOptionTable.cpp:81
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual const ProfileOptionRow * byKey(const string &i_name, const string &i_key) const =0
binary search row by primary key: profile name and option key, return NULL if not found.
run_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:968
static string digestRunMeta(const string &i_modelDigest, const RunLstRow &i_runRow)
calculate run metadata digest: model digest, run name, sub count, created date-time,...
Definition: runLstTable.cpp:139
static vector< RunLstRow > byKey(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_runId)
select table row by primary key: run id.
Definition: runLstTable.cpp:114
static string digestRunValue(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId, int i_runId)
calculate run value digest, including run parameters and output table values digest
Definition: runLstTable.cpp:150
static vector< RunLstRow > select(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
select table rows sorted by primary key: run id.
Definition: runLstTable.cpp:106
run_option table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:990
virtual string strValue(int i_runId, const char *i_key, const string &i_default="") const noexcept=0
return string value by primary key (run id, option key) or default value if not found.
virtual bool isExist(int i_runId, const char *i_key) const noexcept=0
return true if primary key (run id, option key) found.
virtual int boolValueToInt(int i_runId, const char *i_key) const noexcept=0
search for boolean value by primary key (run id, option key) and return one of: return 1 if key foun...
virtual double doubleValue(int i_runId, const char *i_key, double i_default) const noexcept=0
return double value by primary key (run id, option key) or default if not found or can not be convert...
virtual long long longValue(int i_runId, const char *i_key, long long i_default) const noexcept=0
return long value by primary key (run id, option key) or default if not found or can not be converted...
virtual bool boolValue(int i_runId, const char *i_key) const noexcept=0
return boolean value by primary key (run id, option key) or false if not found or value not "yes",...
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
static IRunOptionTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_runId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: run id and option key.
Definition: runOptionTable.cpp:103
virtual const RunOptionRow * byKey(int i_runId, const string &i_key) const =0
binary search row by primary key: run id and option key, return NULL if not found.
virtual int intValue(int i_runId, const char *i_key, int i_default) const noexcept=0
return int value by primary key (run id, option key) or default if not found or can not be converted ...
table_acc table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:571
virtual const TableAccRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_accId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model table id, accumulator id; return NULL if not found.
virtual vector< TableAccRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
static ITableAccTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, bool i_isIncludeDerived=false)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model table id,...
Definition: tableAccTable.cpp:99
virtual vector< TableAccRow > byModelIdTableId(int i_modelId, int i_tableId) const =0
get list of rows by model id and table id.
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
table_acc_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:600
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
static ITableAccTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model table id,...
Definition: tableAccTxtTable.cpp:89
virtual const TableAccTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_accId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model table id, accumulator id, language id; return NULL i...
table_dic table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:472
virtual vector< TableDicRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
virtual const TableDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model table id, return NULL if not found.
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
static ITableDicTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model table id.
Definition: tableDicTable.cpp:127
virtual const TableDicRow * byModelIdName(int i_modelId, const string &i_name) const =0
get first row by model id and table name or NULL if not found.
table_dic_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:500
static ITableDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model table id,...
Definition: tableDicTxtTable.cpp:93
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual const TableDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model table id, language id; return NULL if not found.
table_dims table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:523
static ITableDimsTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model table id,...
Definition: tableDimsTable.cpp:96
virtual vector< TableDimsRow > byModelIdTableId(int i_modelId, int i_tableId) const =0
get list of rows by model id and table id.
virtual const TableDimsRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_dimId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model table id, dimension id; return NULL if not found.
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
table_dims_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:548
virtual const TableDimsTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_dimId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model table id, dimension id, language id; return NULL if ...
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
static ITableDimsTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model table id,...
Definition: tableDimsTxtTable.cpp:89
table_expr table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:623
static ITableExprTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model table id,...
Definition: tableExprTable.cpp:99
virtual vector< TableExprRow > byModelIdTableId(int i_modelId, int i_tableId) const =0
get list of rows by model id and table id.
virtual const TableExprRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_exprId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model table id, expr id; return NULL if not found.
virtual vector< TableExprRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
table_expr_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:651
static ITableExprTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model table id,...
Definition: tableExprTxtTable.cpp:89
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
virtual const TableExprTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_tableId, int i_exprId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model table id, expr id, language id; return NULL if not f...
task_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1104
task_run_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1152
task_run_set table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1168
task_set table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1136
task_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1120
type_dic table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:249
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
static ITypeDicTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by primary key: type_hid.
Definition: typeDicTable.cpp:89
virtual const TypeDicRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_typeId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model type id, return NULL if not found.
type_dic_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:271
virtual const TypeDicTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_typeId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model type id, language id; return NULL if not found.
static ITypeDicTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model type id,...
Definition: typeDicTxtTable.cpp:85
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
type_enum_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:294
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
static ITypeEnumLstTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model type id,...
Definition: typeEnumLstTable.cpp:90
virtual vector< TypeEnumLstRow > byModelId(int i_modelId) const =0
get list of rows by model id.
virtual const TypeEnumLstRow * byName(int i_modelId, int i_typeId, const char *i_name) const =0
find row by unique key: model id, model type id, enum name.
virtual vector< TypeEnumLstRow > byModelIdTypeId(int i_modelId, int i_typeId) const =0
get list of rows by model id, model type id.
virtual const TypeEnumLstRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_typeId, int i_enumId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model type id, enum id return NULL if not found.
type_enum_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:325
static ITypeEnumTxtTable * create(IDbExec *i_dbExec, int i_modelId=0, int i_langId=-1)
create new table object and load table rows sorted by unique key: model id, model type id,...
Definition: typeEnumTxtTable.cpp:89
virtual const TypeEnumTxtRow * byKey(int i_modelId, int i_typeId, int i_enumId, int i_langId) const =0
binary search row by unique key: model id, model type id, enum id, language id; return NULL if not fo...
virtual IRowBaseVec & rowsRef(void)=0
get reference to list of all table rows.
workset_lst table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1038
workset_parameter table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1070
workset_parameter_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1086
workset_txt table public interface.
Definition: dbMetaTable.h:1054
lang_lst table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:37
lang_word table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:81
model_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:112
model_dic_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:168
model_word table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:216
parameter_dic join to model_parameter_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:473
parameter_dic_txt join to model_parameter_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:590
parameter_dims join to model_parameter_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:642
parameter_dims_txt join to model_parameter_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:685
parameter_dic join to model_parameter_import table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:547
profile_lst table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1667
profile_option table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1688
run_lst table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1719
run_option table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1785
table_acc table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:985
table_acc_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1038
table_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:741
table_dic_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:819
table_dims table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:879
table_dims_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:929
table_expr table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1094
table_expr_txt table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1144
type_dic join to model_type_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:264
type_dic_txt join to model_type_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:330
type_enum_lst join to model_type_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:382
type_enum_txt join to model_type_dic table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:417
workset_lst table row.
Definition: dbMetaRow.h:1815